PhD students

Johannes Beul
Der Krieg der Fürsten und das Leiden der Mönche und der Bauern. Wahrnehmung von Kriegsfolgen und Konzeptualisierung von Akteuren und Betroffenen militärischer Konflikte in stauferzeitlichen Quellen

Ipek Bozkaya
Inherited Intimate Bonds: Exploring Same-Sex Relationships in the Ottoman Janissary Corps

Marco Büttner
Gerechtigkeit als konzeptuelle Legitimationsressource in der Propaganda der Kreuzzüge

Samira Fischer
Der Wehrbau im Wandel. Der spätantike und frühbyzantinischen Festungsbau in der Dioecesis Daciae

Egor Gvozdev
"Byzantium as an argument. Legitimizing Rule and War from rulership of Ivan Grozniy until Feodor Alekseevich (16th and 17th centuries)

Lorenz Kammerer
Academic engagement with the Crusades during the Second Hussite War

Ferhat Kurtoglu
Production and Dissemination of Byzantine Military Manuals in Early Modern Europe (provisional title).

Simon Mallas
The Depiction of War in Early Modern Travelogues on the Ottoman Empire

Philipp Margreiter
Africam defendere. Byzantine fortifications in the North African region of Thugga in the 6th and 7th centuries

Regina Maria Molitor
Warriorship in Frontier Societies – Weapons Graves of the 4th–7th Century on the Byzantine Danube Frontier

Goldie Nagy
Studies concerning the role of Equidae within roman military context

Deanna Pellerano
"The Singers and Music of the French Chapel at War (1494-1515)"

Michael Rapp
The Language of Peace? – Military metaphors in the writings of Tertullian

Maria Rukavichnikova
War Discourse in Times of Crisis: Authorial Strategies in Byzantine Historical Literature of the 14th century

Vincent Schmidt
Krieg und Gewalt im Bild. Visuelle Zeugnisse byzantinischer Kriegskultur

Eduard Visintini
Captivity, Conditional Freedom, and Bondage in a Late Antique Ecclesiastical Landscape: Discourse and Practice in Sixth- and Seventh-Century Merovingian Francia