
Oana-Andreea Chiriluş
Speaking of War: Moldavian and Wallachian Perceptions of the Ottoman Threat During the Late 14th - Early 16th Centuries

Gwendolyn Döring

Florian Groll
The Representation of the Military Might of the Roman Imperial Family under Augustus and Tiberius

Sophia Sonja Guthier
Varangians and Slavs as a Threat to Byzantium in 18th- and 19th-Century Russian Pictorial and Textual Culture

Julia Sophia Hanelt
Minted Vows – Studies on Vota Coinage on the Occasion of Imperial Anniversaries from Antoninus Pius to Justinian I (138 - 565)

Philipp Hanelt (née Kuhn)
The Images of Roman Cavalry in Late Antiquity in the Eastern Roman Empire

Katharina Schoneveld
Illustrations of Military Technology in Byzantine Manuscripts: Transfer and Adaptation of Ancient Knowledge in Byzantium

Andrea Stabel (née Bersch)
Christian Symbolism on Militaria – The Christian Warrior in the Frankish Empire

Sonja Ulrich
The Historiography of War by Orosius

Helen Wiedmaier
The Depiction of Men as Warriors in 14th-Century Sources - Mühldorf and Other Examples

Christos Zafeiropoulos
Descriptions of Byzantine Combatants in Written Byzantine Sources during the Reign of the First Palaiologan Emperors, 1259-1328

Associated Allumni:ae

Marko Jelusić
Digmata: Studies on the genesis, meaning and transmission of late Roman shield signs in analogy to the Notitia dignitatum.

Philipp König

Rike Szill
Konstantinopel 1453 – Eroberung oder Fall? Geschichtskonstruktionen in den Hauptwerken der spätbyzantinischen Historiographie