Johannes Beul
Der Krieg der Fürsten und das Leiden der Mönche und der Bauern. Wahrnehmung von Kriegsfolgen und Konzeptualisierung von Akteuren und Betroffenen militärischer Konflikte in stauferzeitlichen Quellen
Ipek Bozkaya
Inherited Intimate Bonds: Exploring Same-Sex Relationships in the Ottoman Janissary Corps
Marco Büttner
Justice as a Resource of Legitimation in the Propaganda of the Crusades (working title)
Samira Fischer
Fortified hilltop settlements in the Dioecesis Daciae (4th-7th century)
Egor Gvozdev
"Byzantium as an argument. Legitimizing Rule and War from rulership of Ivan Grozniy until Feodor Alekseevich (16th and 17th centuries)
Michael Kister
"The transition of power in the Kingdom of Sicily. Practices of conquest (1189–1208)"
Ferhat Kurtoglu
Production and Dissemination of Byzantine Military Manuals in Early Modern Europe (provisional title).
Goldie Nagy
Studies concerning the role of Equidae within roman military context
Deanna Pellerano
"The Singers and Music of the French Chapel at War (1494-1515)"
Vincent Schmidt
Images of War and Violence. Visual Testimonies of Byzantine Culture of War
Eduard Visintini
Captivity, Conditional Freedom, and Bondage in a Late Antique Ecclesiastical Landscape: Discourse and Practice in Sixth- and Seventh-Century Merovingian Francia