Egor Gvozdev

since 04/2022

Doctoral candidate in the Research Training Group 2304 “Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception”, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

Title: Byzantium as an argument. Legitimizing Rule and War from rulership of Ivan Grozniy until Feodor Alekseevich (16th and 17th centuries)
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Jan Kusber


Project Description

Curriculum Vitae


ABC of War Reviews

Mikhail M. Krom, Стародубская война (1534–1537). Из истории русско–литовских отношений [The Starodub War, 1534–37: From the History of Russian-Lithuanian Relations], Moscow 2008

Dmitrij I. Antonov, Цари и самозванцы: борьба идей в России Смутного времени. [Tsars and impostors. The struggle of ideas in Russia in the Time of Troubles], Moscow 2019